Day 285 – “Blackness becomes me"

My Heroin Recovery (Wednesday, 5 September 2007)
Day 285 – “Blackness becomes me”

I would love to give you all the juicy details regarding my day at the job. However, I decided in the beginning that any details would just get me in trouble with management so I’ll have to be vague.

One thing I can tell you is that when I got home today I was covered in black dust. From my shoes to my hair everything was black. On my way to the guesthouse I stopped at the Pick and Pay in Ellisras to get a few things and you should have seen the way some of the people checked me out with my black face.

Ellisras is actually very busy in the mornings, I presume because of the mine and because of Eskom. I’m not sure how big it really it – but it appears much larger than I think it actually is. The people are surprisingly… uhm… sexy in this area and I had to stop a few times today to admire the talent that Ellisras provides. 

We even went out tonight as a group to a lodge nearby that has a bar, pool tables and a swimming pool. If our accommodation had a swimming pool we would probably all have dived in when we got home. I got black in places I didn’t know I had!

But the most important thing I want to say is how much I enjoyed my day. Really, it has been one of the hardest days I’ve had in a long time if you take in account that we worked in the scorching heat for the whole day on a black surface that most definitely attracted heat. And THIS formally glorified PA enjoyed it! I do still surprise myself daily at how much I enjoy what I do now and the challenges it provides in my life.

I cannot wait to go home on Friday and I miss my family and my home and my bed – and definitely my boyfriend whom I hope I will see. And of course, I miss my friends in blogworld and facebook!

Day 284 – “Off Blog Off”

My Heroin Recovery (Tuesday, 4 September 2007)
Day 284 – “Off Blog Off”

The Blog Off competition ended on Friday and the general opinion: “it is about time!” I am actually excited to see what will happen on the blogs now. Will we get to see some really creative content from the bloggers instead of pasting and begging? I really hope so.

I’d like to think my blog has stayed cleared from those things even though it has had it share of criticism because I won the competition more than once. Still, I feel proud to have shown those awards on my blog because I didn’t beg for votes and I believe the award was on good, original and honest content.

Maybe now, we will see a lot of people that left returning. Perhaps more because the ending of this competition sends a sign that somewhere out there, there is/[are an] editor(s) listening to our views, requests and concerns.

My facebook profile has a Notes section, only visible to my friends, that updates every time I make a blog post. Sooner or later some of them come across it and I really had some good feedback the past few weeks. It appears to still be doing some good even to those that has no connection to any drugs.

Placing the blog on facebook was something I thought long about. It is different from posting on blogspot or because it is right there for them to find and read without even searching for it. Then I just remind myself that the blog has never been a secret and up to now the content has proudly been shared with friends, family and strangers everywhere.

As long as it continues to do good – to myself and to other people, I have no problem posting it anywhere!

Day 283 – “Batteries and Signal”

My Heroin Recovery (Monday, 3 September 2007)
Day 283 – “Batteries and Signal”

It is Day 1 of my week visit to Ellisras. I forgot this was one of the places the government wasted money with name changes on and had to double check when I started finding the Lephalale signboards.

I got here just on time this morning after yet another way too early wake up. We are all staying in a big house just outside of Ellisras and it is actually a very nice place. I haven’t slept in the bed yet – but I’ll still miss my own bed tonight.

The cellphone reception here is struggling to stay at one bar. I quickly made a few calls earlier on but even my SMSes aren’t going through. I thought I was really clever and set up the internet on my cellphone before I came. I was going to use it this week to post blogs and check on my facebook profile – so much for that idea!

These past few days have been really hectic. I’ve been up and down between Limpopo and Mpumalanga and Gauteng. I had a terrible week of tooth pain and drugged by pain killers and of course, they stole my office laptop. I thought this week would just add to the chaos of the preceding few weeks but I might be wrong…

It is so quiet here and I am actually enjoying the people I am with. The normal routine at the house and even the chaotic “non-routine routine” of the office is miles away. I think I can really take this time to charge my batteries, just what I needed!

Day 282 – “Don’t quit your day job"

My Heroin Recovery (Sunday, 2 September 2007)
Day 282 – “Don’t quit your day job”

This weekend was the first weekend in a long time that I didn’t see my partner. It felt totally empty not having him with me. He went fishing for the weekend – which I must say is something I haven’t done since I was little and have no intention of adding to my ‘to do’ list soon. Then again, if it means spending time with him – I wouldn’t think twice.

I think that the best of couples get insecure at times, but I must say sometimes the ‘long distance’ thing is a real bitch. It is so much worse when you can’t look somebody in the face to tell them something or when audio over a cellphone is all communication you have for the day. But I’m usually the one that make reminds us both that we both knew this when we entered the relationship.

I went to a “karaoke party” this weekend. It was actually quite fun, luckily I only sang one duet with a guy that thought all the choices were “gay” but who can blame him with an ABBA’s Greatest Hits DVD. I had an interesting evening with one of my friends, somebody with whom a visit was long overdue and I hope we get to do party soon.

Tomorrow is off to Ellisras for the week. On a scale from 1 to 10 my eagerness for this week is hovering in the lower regions. I should be excited because it is a new place which means meeting new people (which is one of my favourite pass times). Then again, it is for work – so that will all depend on how busy they keep us.

My dad is also gone for the week which leaves my mom and brother home alone. It really feels strange being the one who is away from home for a change. Normally everybody else disappears for a few days and I always stay behind. Going to Pretoria or Cape Town for a week would have been a whole other story – but it is a start!