"Until I die (Part 3)"

Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Current Recovery - "Until I die (Part 3)"

Continues from Part 2…

Nothing changed… at least that is the way it seemed!

In reality a lot changed. The person that my friends and family knew, loved, trusted and enjoyed slowly disappeared as each day progressed. My heroin use escalated day by day at an astonishing rate. Another person was living my life – this drug addict. One of those stereo type addicts that you see on TV that steal and lie. One of those aggressive people that find themselves going to extraordinary lengths to get their precious drugs. I was that person now!

Three months passed since that night. I spend thousands and thousands of rands, or I should say maneuvered it on my credit cards. Credit Cards which I cannot pay now, credit cards I couldn’t pay even then. Every day turned into a fight with somebody, somewhere about the same old issues or occasionally about a whole set of new ones.

While I was working one Saturday my behavior led to yet another fight with a co-worker. I got a phone call from home and it was obvious that once I got home the same fate waited for me there. I stood next to the road thinking and all I could think about was how I didn’t want to go home!

So I started walking…

Part 4 continues…