Day 264 – “Now you see me, now you don't”

My Heroin Recovery (Wednesday, 15 August 2007)
Day 264 – “Now you see me, now you don't”

As I mentioned on Thursday’s blog I stopped to quickly say hi to my Ex. I’ve been promising to visit him for ages and when the opportunity came along I just couldn’t let it pass. Of course, the very same night I informed my partner that I was there. I don’t think I did anything wrong – but I didn’t want this little fact to come and bite me on the ass in the future.

Things between us were a bit rocky the past few days. Everything in my life was thrown a bit upside down with the working here and out of town. We barely get to see each other and because of the busy schedule we barely had time to communicate over the phone aswell. Funny thing is, if he had internet at home we’d probably see a lot more of each other on facebook!

One thing that still comes up on a regular basis is the distance between us and amount of time we get to see each other. These are probably the biggest obstacles we are facing at the moment. Even thought the distance isn’t really that far apart, we can only see each other on weekends and even then it is only for a limited time. So, I can imagine anybody can relate to the frustration that can cause in a relationship.

But as with any other problem in a relationship we are learning to deal with it. One thing I know for sure is, that either one or both of us will not be happy with the ‘arrangement’ as it is at the moment for too long and at some point it will have to change. And that day will make for a really interesting blog!