Day 294 – “Open eyes”

My Heroin Recovery (Friday, 14 September 2007)
Day 294 – “Open eyes”

It is Friday again after a week that literally flew by. The weather is not too hot and not too cold and it is actually a pleasure to work outside. This weekend I’ll be inside catching up on some outstanding computer work but more importantly finishing a series of pre-written blogs.

Since last month I have mentioned that I have a collection of blogs that I’ve been keeping “secret” for a while. Keeping them private for the time being was intended for many reasons, some of which I will discuss with you over this period. I feel that the content of them is very important in my continued story of heroin recovery and in the end just as much a learning tool to anybody that has ever found use in my blog.

I really hope that you’ll read what I have to say and give me your comments, opinions or questions. Even though the blogs are pre-written I will respond to your views on Fridays. I’ll try and be as honest with this as you’ve come to expect from me! Enjoy the weekend and see you all on Monday!