Day 338/9 – “Q & A: Rehab”

Q & A (Sunday, 28 October 2007)
Day 338/9 – “Q & A: Rehab”

A lot of things are different in my life this time around. My work for instance is much more demanding and active and I travel a lot more. Since I’m not in the office the whole day like I was last year getting the blog posted on time isn’t always possible. I still want to update you on the progress day by day – so please bare with me if the posts are a day or two late sometimes.

I am asking a question today which a few have already answered. I hope you’ll participate by answering this question as well as the others to follow in the weeks ahead. These questions are specificly about heroin addiction or my recovery and I ask them in an attempt for us all to understand some of the choices or mistakes a bit better.

Today I want to know if you think I should go to Rehab and when you think I should go. Do you feel it is long overdue or do you believe I have and can manage without the help of an institution?


FireHorse said...

Hi Christiaan, happy birthday for Tuesday. I'm not sure whether you mean the one coming or the one gone.

Before I say anything more, I would like you to know that I understand. If I was standing in front of you I would look you in the eyes and tell you that "Everything will be OK and that you will be alright". Just like it was once said to me years ago. You might find this hard to believe right now but everything will be OK because I believe in you.

For your benefit, please read your previous post (337/8) that starts with the words "I'm hurting…" and before you find reasons why you should not go to rehab read your post again and again and again.

My point is that you have been in this place of pain and despair many times before. It is time you tried something different. By attending a rehab you have the chance to learn new skills. I always felt that I new what was good for me and that I had skills. I worked, I paid rent (sometimes) but it is more than that. It is an opportunity to learn things about yourself, things that you don't have a clue that you don't know. Is this making sense? :)

Rehab is a scary concept.

I once posted about going to rehab and used a picture of Britney Spears sitting in the car (on her way to rehab) looking like she was about to cry. I wrote that I would probably have pulled the same face as Brits on my way to rehab.

Take the leap Christiaan. If you ever want to chat please contact me via my e-mail (on my blog).

Again, I want you to know that I understand. My thought are with you mate.

Unknown said...

Don't really feel qualified giving you advice, though I've been a junkie for more than 20 years. Never been to rehab, but my girlfriend is in and out, and sometimes it does her good, sometimes not - but at least it's a respite.

I've found a lot of blogs on the subject of the gear and surviving it. Surprised really that so many people are prepared to bare their souls.[Thought I was the only one]

Are you on a programme. Bupe can be good

cheers, good luck [you'll need it]

Anonymous said...

hey i just got out of rehab a few days ago and i actually liked it all my friends that have tried to get off heroin on there own are unsucsesful im on this high of my own now cuz for the first time in 6 years i am clear headed im the third one of my friends to go to rehab in a row and so far we are all clean im only 20 and am only 35 days clean but its worth it to try i mean its your life man