Day 157 - "A change is as good."

Monday, 30 April 2007
Day 157 / 81 – "A change is as good…"

Last week saw a change in the blog again. There have been changes every 50 days or so to the blog and this time I’ve gone big (I think). I hope you like it because it’s really growing on me. Hopefully the blog editors will have added widgets or personalized templates before the next 50 days has passed and we can all be more creative.

The theme and look of the blog is not all I’m hoping to change. Some of you, including me, still find the blog a bit too serious, depressing and heroin-based at times. I remind you that this is a blog about ‘My Heroin Recovery’ and those items are ‘part of the package’. Even so, I will be trying to lighten the mood a bit in the hope to also keep a positive attitude in my life.

Last week was a quiet week of blogging for me. As you know, I spend the week with ‘ThisIsMe’, while her ‘better other’ was out of town. As you might have read on her blog – they forgot to pay the internet – so nobody could really blog. That reminds me, I have to pay my internet account today!

Staying with ‘ThisIsMe’ was actually really fun. Besides roosters waking me in the wee hours of the morning, I really enjoyed the experience of sort of being on my own again. I felt like a grown-up again and not like a little baby who had to be watched and whose every move was questioned.

I also hope that the few days showed my parents that I am responsible and trustworthy again. If I wanted to, I could have gone bonkers over the few days I was gone and they wouldn’t have known a thing. Hopefully that will still count for something in the future.

Had work not taken the route it had on Tuesday, I think the week would have been superb. As you know I described Tuesday last week as ‘a disaster’, which was really putting it lightly. I’m left with more stress and complications than I would have liked at this time. The important thing is - I didn’t take heroin. With all the changes in my life – at least that is still saying the same!