Day 226 – “Back soon”

Sunday, 8 July 2007
Day 226 – “Back soon”

It would be a bit difficult to tell you exactly in which mood I find myself on this Sunday afternoon. Even though I feel nervous and stressed, when it gets down to it, everything happening in my life at the moment is so nothing but good and optimistic.

My ‘Significant Other’ just left after we got to spend the weekend together. Weekends are about all we have at the moment, but I treasure the time we do get together. My new job threw my normal routine upside down this past week – so even the usual telephone communication were cut to a minimum.

I guess I’m in love. I can’t remember when last I felt this way about anybody and then to have those feelings returned is spectacular. It is still a trial thing at the moment, you know, seeing whether a relationship will be safe and a long distance relationship at that. I don’t feel I can totally put my heart into this yet and run the risk of crushing down to earth and turning to heroin to cope.

My parents have been ultra cool about everything. At times so much that I have to wonder who they are and what they did to my real parents. With work and money and even my newly found love – they seem to be so supportive and trusting towards me. All the more reason not to let them down.

I’ll be going to Pretoria tomorrow morning early for training at my new job. I’ll be gone for two weeks and that means that blogging might not occur during this time. I’m really nervous and stressed about what lies ahead for me. I had a small taste of what my working life will be like in the future and I really believe I made the right choice taking this job.

I’ll be back soon and hope to bring even more good news with the next blog.