Day 119 – “72 hours clean (Part 2 of 3)”

Thursday, 22 March 2007
Day 119 / 42 (59) – “72 hours clean (Part 2 of 3)”

Continues from Part 1...

A few hours passed with all of us avoiding the obvious. I had every intention to stop taking the weekend but my mind was another mission. Whether I closed my eyes or kept them open they only saw one thing, they only needed one thing – heroin.

I was still in the beginning stages of my addiction, that weekend. I was absolutely dependent on when my friends took, because they injected me. In the beginning I never injected myself. Ironically, I hated needles. If they said No, then it was No. But they weren’t saying No… they were just keeping quiet and I knew they wanted it just as badly as I wanted it.

I guess I felt safe in a way. As long as somebody else had to inject me, I didn’t have a problem. It was still controlled to a certain extend because I was depending on them. Of course, my dependence was on another addict’s heroin habits. People hurting just as bad and even more than I was. Nobody really had a choice anymore.

If I told the story of any other day the following outcome would be different. It was almost guaranteed that somebody, anybody would crack eventually. The need for heroin was much more than any agreement, any promise or any other desire to ever get clean. Any undertaking to stop immediately faded once the craving kicked in. On this day… nobody said a word.

'72 hours clean' concludes tomorrow (Friday)!


joy said...

Thanks for sharing your experiences.