Day 145 - "Message in a bottle"

Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Day 145 / 69 - "Message in a bottle"

My good mood still continues. I find it almost like a ball rolling down a snowy mountain. The more turns it makes the larger it gets. My good mood seems to multiply and it wants to expand till I want to explode. One bubbly burst of breezy fun. This is how I remember myself. I finally found myself again and the mere fact that I know this – improves it even more.

I thought last night how I would definitely recommend blogging as a recovery tool in addicts. It is a shame that not all people like to read or write. But I guess that’s why they have people to talk to in Rehab as well. I figure it’s like putting a message in a bottle and let it drift out to the sea. You put your emotions out there and the knowledge that you shared it makes you feel so much better.

I don’t think there is a better way to put it out there, than writing about it. And the thing about a daily blog is, it’s not the summarized version of your recovery. It doesn’t have all the juicy details that sell award winning books. It is the daily ups and downs and sometimes it’s just like a soap that doesn’t quite get to the climax of the story. So, perhaps I might still turn the whole story into a book. Of course, it would be a story of recovery and I’m still pretty much in the middle of it.

This coming Monday I will be on Day 150, which is technically 5 months in recovery. And I think I can honestly say these have been the longest 5 months of my life. I really hope in this 5 months there has been at least one day every person has read this, where they realized the destruction of heroin, the control it gets over your life and the grip it has on it forever.

My bottles of messages are drifting in this ocean and people are getting them. With each one heroin’s grip on my life is loosened. With each one another life spared from the same fate. That’s reason for a good mood!