Day 147 - "Changing Tactics"

Friday, 20 April 2007
Day 147 / 71 - "Changing Tactics"

Next week I’m changing the routine of my life a whole lot. I am strangely excited by the prospects of a week that isn’t a typical week in TB’s life.

I am staying with a friend for three days while her ‘better other’ (as she calls him) is out of town. This means the daily routine I’ve been accustomed to will change considerably from Sunday to Tuesday. Waking up at different times, different place, different people and different way to work. Luckily she is a blogger aswell and they have internet – so at least I can keep you updated! Apparently I have to use my non existent cooking skills to prepare her something the weekend. How long do you microwave ‘two minute noodles” again?

Next week would have been a 4 day work week for me, but I decided to extend my long weekend even longer and take an extra day off on Thursday – just because I can! So, my work week will be 3 days. I would have liked to take off next Monday making my weekend a stupendous 5 days – but regrettably month-end is next Monday and there is no way I can miss that.

For some reason everything decides to go wrong when I take off on a month-end day. And then I spend the one half of the day over the phone and the other half back at the office. I’d rather save myself the trouble and stay at the office!

I decided that next week I’m switching my days and doing things everyday I wouldn’t normally do on that day. Even this weekend, I am thinking of doing something I wouldn’t normally do on a Saturday or Sunday. At this moment I am still clueless as to what that might be, but I’m sure it will make for interesting writing next week.

I’m guessing by the 1st of March I’m going to beg for my old borring routine life back again. Who knows!