Day 238 – “Ashes to Ashes”

Friday, 20 July 2007
Day 238 – “Ashes to Ashes”

It is the most awful sound I’ve ever heard. Every shovel full of dirt landing on the coffin made it more and more real to me. He wasn’t going to stand up. I wouldn’t be bumping into him in town. His father, his brother, his daughter, his wife – they would never see him again.

I went to a funeral today, my third funeral in just over a year. This was the first time I went to an open grave and I found myself much more emotional than I thought I would be. We weren’t best of friends but we were close enough. He seemed to touch so many people wherever he went always making lasting relationships and friendships. You could see that by the amount of people that attended his funeral.

He was only a few months older than I was and obviously still had his whole life ahead of him. A car accident the weekend claimed his life including that of 6 other people. If you think to yourself that there is a person in this world that least deserves this tragic fate – then it is probably him.

The two previous funerals I was at, I was still using heroin, so the impact of what was happening didn’t really hit me at that time. One tend to realize only at events like these how short life is and the time we have on earth is uncertain to everyone. And more importantly you have to ask yourself if the way you are living is that of a person that touched lives and will be remembered.

Rest in peace my friend, you will be remembered and dearly missed!