Day 63/45 – “Balancing the scales”

Thursday, 25 January 2007 – Day 63/45 – “Balancing the scales”

It is just like 100 days ago, 63 days ago, 45 days ago. No matter what I do, karma, God, whoever you think is the higher power in your life is getting back at me. It is so wrong to think it, but maybe I should just have died. When our cars collided yesterday… maybe I should just have died!

I was in a car accident last night. I am okay, except for a sore leg where the car hit me. The medics checked me out and nothing is broken but my muscles are so sore I can hardly move my leg or walk on it. I have a few bruises and cuts, but other than that I’m still alive. My car, however, doesn’t look that good. If you look at the car I think it is a miracle that I wasn’t hurt badly. My doors, my dash, even the umbrella in my boot (totally on the other side of the car) was broken in bits. My windows all broke from the impact and even the glasses on my face were propelled from my face onto the other car.

I stood there thinking… I don’t have the energy for this, my mother, my father – they don’t have the energy for this. We are still going through on of the most challenging things I think can happen to a family or a person, last week saw the changes at work which has us all stressed to high levels and now, literally with a BANG comes the next problem. They don’t deserve this – BUT I DO!

I have done many wrongs in my life, especially towards my family and I think the scales needs a lot of work before they will ever balance. I have been flooded by people thanking me for my stories, the reality of it, my courage, my honesty and I sooth my conscience by thinking that at least I am doing good by writing this blog. Every day I am one day closer to repaying my debt. These blogs aren’t only my biggest saviour but for many, my life, my reality has shown them that they too can lead a better life.
This isn’t exactly the better life they were referring to, but yet again the writer(s) of my life story keeps me on my toes. I know these are all material things so I am very fortunate not to be hurt badly. Still this feeling of guilt hangs over me today like the rain clouds in this country at the moment. I know until I balance the scales everybody around me, especially my family, will still hurt and suffer!


Anonymous said...

Those scales can never be balanced. Never in your mind believe me. I been there and I’m there now. I have problems with addition as well, and right now I’m sitting in a rehab 200 miles from my last home. I say last home because I have no home now. This is my home. And as you know they just don’t take you in residential rehab for over 90 days or more because you had a slight problem with drugs. I have been here since September. I had 3 rehab failed attempts and failed suicide attempts (if that is not a good joke, one failing at that?) I guess I can blame that failure on drugs as well, or maybe bad planning. I think Jesus hides in Narcon and talks through paramedic voices.

I too have a blog. Great thing about heroin is it leaves you plenty of time to express yourself, to pity yourself, and to burn yourself up while entertaining others. It's laziness contains you to comfortable places away from others. At least that was my case in the last few yrs of blogging.. What did I call it, o-yea my therapy. As you know it is good therapy, it keeps you from totally decaying.

I have been in jails, rehabs, hospitals.. lived in the streets, died - literally, as you know, that comes with the heroin, it should be stamped on it somewhere I believe. I sold myself more then an average person can comprehend and all by the age of 25. Society despises me, hates me, made me what I am, at least that sounds good. Excuses always work in a clouded minds, that is why I like mine clouded. Truth is I despise myself, I made myself, and I hate myself, and how I am.

I like your blog because it talks of normal things addicts should have to deal with, as normal as cleaning up and heroin can be. It is insightful to me because of this. I read on your other blog yesterday and a comment by someone that said.. “You called yourself an addict then” I thought to myself, he will be an addict for life. Society thinks if you wash your hands of it “ding” your clean, not knowing how wrong they can be.

Keep writing!

Katie/Mexican Mud

Christiaan said...

Hey Katie
Would really like to get your blog address aswell to read!


Anonymous said...

Hi Christiaan.

My blog is at

Hope your days are going good? keep stepping forward.
