Day 66/48 – “Poll/Discussion 3 (continued)”

Sunday, 28 January 2007 – Day 66/48 – “Poll/Discussion 3 (continued)”

The following week will be spent talking about Addiction a lot. Got a lot to say and sort out regarding that.

Remember if you want this blog e-mailed to you daily you can contact me at and I'll send you a copy daily.

And if you have or know of stories of addiction, recovery, withdrawal or drugs you think should be shared with the world (and can't or don't want to publish on a blog of your own), please let me know aswell.

Lastly, there is one week left on the bi-weekly discussion. What do people do for fun, to pass the time, with their friends or their family when no drugs or alcohol can be involved?!

See you all tomorrow again with normal posting!