Day 91/14 – “The Postbox (Part 3)”

Thursday, 22 February 2007 – Day 91/14 – “The Postbox (Part 3)”

After weeks of preparation and days of pre-moving we are now busy with the big office move. Will tell more about this tomorrow. Also, yesterday was 90 days in the recovery and today is 2 weeks clean AGAIN. Now, here is the conclusion to ‘The Postbox’…

I phoned my friend and told him my dad was outside and he should wait before picking anything up or dropping anything off. The shocking news echoed in my head: “Too late… Your dad saw me!” Apparently he parked a few meters from the house, walked over to the postbox, reached in and my dad saw him. He ran back to the car while my dad was calling him and he drove off!” I froze. No matter how we spun this story. No matter how hard we were going to try and lie – this was going to be trouble.

I used heroin just the day before as well. If they checked my arms for track marks they would surely find them. Seeing my friend at the postbox screamed suspicion – they were going to check my arms for sure. And so they did. My dad came into the house and wanted to know what my friend was doing there. I denied everything of course. In my drugged and delusional mind they had no other choice but to believe me, right?

Here they thought they had me locked up safe and sound away from the poison that was slowly killing me. All hell was loose in the house and one of the mayor ways I sneaked the drugs into the house – was reluctantly revealed. Nobody ever thought I would go that far – including me! It is absolutely amazing how resourceful a drug addict can be. No matter what they tried, how many walls they tried to put up – there was always a way to get around it.

My dad always said that if I really wanted to stop, I would tell them the ways I did it – before they caught me. I would come clean and help them, help me! I struggled for months to get rid of heroin and every time it came back like it never left, making it even harder to stop. I was beginning to give up hope – give in to the critics who say that it only ends in death.

Then came the day I started this recovery, the one you are all currently part of. I revealed all the methods I used, places I scored, ways I got money. I was honest for a change. I told all before they ‘caught me out’. That was the day I knew everything was going to be okay. No matter what it took, how hard it was going to be – I was going to stop taking heroin!