Day 94/16 – “The move is over!”

Sunday, 25 February 2007 – Day 94/16 – “The move is over!”

Well, the weekend is almost over and I’ve been working nonstop. Thursday we started moving our office building and yesterday afternoon finally finished. Today, I’ve got what seems like a million of papers to sort out and filing to catch up on. Even so, I’m quite excited as to what tomorrow will bring.

For those of you that missed the story. We heard about six weeks ago, that our company will be moving to a new premises and we will get a new boss. We had approximately 6 weeks to move everything in a building where the company has been for almost 25 years.

Fast forward six weeks and the move is finally over. But the rest is only beginning. Two different companies now have to work together as one. This will make for interesting blogging I’m sure! With my recovery it is going very well. The last time I took was just over two weeks and I’m still getting withdraw symptoms. So, take my word for it – never start taking heroin.

The very first time I saw a friend of mine, or anybody for that matter, inject heroin, I wrote a poem about it. It is so weird reading it and knowing that, how I felt then is probably how everybody around me feels now. I’ll post that tomorrow (Monday).

The next week will go a bit different than usual. To make way for a special post next Saturday (Hint: Check the day Counter) the weekend posts (Poem and Poll) will move up to Thursday and Friday. Thanks again for all the support and I hope you’ll continue reading!