Day 103 – “Unlikely love”

Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Day 103 / 26 (59) – “Unlikely love”

Yesterday was quite a good day at work even for a Monday. I am really enjoying it there. We are getting busy but strangely we seem to get more work done than at the other building. I think maybe it is because we have a new boss that checks up on us. I must say as much I enjoyed my job at the previous building, I can’t wait to get to work in the mornings now. I’m very fortunate in that way I guess. Many people dread going to their job every day.

The day went pretty well until I got home. I sat on the couch thinking how wonderful it would have been if I had somebody here to share this day with. To just sit here, stare at the ceiling or each other and talk about the events of our day together. I miss that, in a friend and in a love.

But as you’ll get to know aswell, I’m very impatient. Always want things to happen today. And in the same way I guess I wanted my life back yesterday already. This whole weekend was filled with people in love and on the verge of getting ingaged, getting married, having children. The whole time I’m thinking JUST SLOW DOWN… I still have to find somebody. All these unlikely people that find love, that settle down, doing it long before I can ever dream of it.

I felt quite sorry for myself last night and decided to sleep it off and see how I feel this morning. I woke up this morning still thinking about all of it, but perhaps just with a bit more clarity. I’ve been sitting at home for the past, I don’t know how long. And its my own fault. If it wasn’t for the lapses things could have been different already. I can only go out now, meet new people again and experience things (non drug related). I should give myself some time, even though I’m impatient to get on with my life. And who knows… If I’m really lucky I’ll find somebody to just sit with, stare at the each other and talk about our day.