Day 101 – “101 ways”

Sunday, 4 March 2007
Day 101 / 24 (59) – “101 ways”

A hundred and one. They always have these books on a 101 ways to understand your wife or a 101 ways to make love or a 101 ways to have fun. Donald Trump published a book on a 101 ways to make a success and I’m sure if Oprah Winfrey published one her research on a 101 ways to lose weight – would come in very handy. The point is, a 101 is normally associated with… well… Dalmatians and improvement in some way or form.

So, accordingly I thought of ways to improve my own life. I’ve spend the last 100 days trying to overcome one of the most difficult things every thrown my way. I know that I’m nowhere close to be okay yet but I think I can safely work on ways to improve my life a bit.

I don’t have a 101 things yet, but I have a few and I think I’ll spend the next 101 days working on them a bit. Firstly, I’m definitely going out more. To the mall, to the movies, to the clubs to the snake park if I have to… but I desperately need to get out of this house a bit more. Secondly, I would love to write more as it is something I deeply love. These two items have led to my other blog containing a bit more stories about my daily life in my hometown. If you like this blog I hope you’ll check in there aswell. Thirdly I want to catch up with some of my friends again. I still have so many friendships that were hurt during my heroin use and a lot of them need a lot of work.

And lastly the thing I want to do most this year is learn how to cook. I make a mess of eggs at the moment so it is not going to be an easy lesson. I’ve also found it so interesting. To me it is just like writing or like taking photos (which I like as well). Every dish is the creation of a story told by every bite. I’m sure a lot of moms forced to do tedious cooking every night will disagree with that statement. Even so, I want to learn how to do that – without poising my family.

There a lot more stuff to work on and in another 101 days I hope to report back that I’ve started on most on them. In the mean time we’ll continue with the 101 ways to stop taking heroin.