Day 39/21 - "First Day"

Monday, 1 January 2007 - Day 39/21 - "First Day"

It is the first day of 2007. Our party went down nicely although not totally as planned. We shot fireworks, danced, drank and even spent some time in a Jacuzzi. I didn’t use heroin, I didn’t drink too much – but I did catch a cold. I figure my immune system is still not what it is supposed to be. It only took a few seconds for me to dress warmly and still I got sick.

So, this day isn’t exactly being spent ideally. I got home at 10 o’clock this morning after partying from 6 yesterday night. So, I slept one part of the day and considering how I feel now I want to sleep the rest of it as well.

My parents were not exactly pleased with me when I got home this morning. My brother and his girlfriend were at the party with me. They went home around 5 o’clock this morning. I told my brother I would follow a bit later. So, he went to bed and slept. Apparently my room door blew shut by the wind and everybody thought I was inside sleeping. Even when they didn’t see my car outside they figured I drove my brother home because maybe he drank too much.

When they finally found out I wasn’t inside my room, they phoned me to find out where I was. The phone gave one ring and the battery died (I blame that on Murphy). I immediately jumped into the car and drove home to avoid issues. Still when I arrived home they weren’t pleased with me. My brother was still sleeping, so they didn’t know what happened to me.

I know they were probably worried. I can’t blame them considering all the events of last year. But to be truthfully honest – I didn’t do anything wrong. So, the initial worry I accept but if they want to continue being mad that is their problem. My hands are clean! I have behaved myself very nicely over the past few weeks and especially the weekend. I’ve done nothing to even raise a concern or suspicion of using again.

Tomorrow is back to work. Considering how I feel today, tomorrow is going to be torture. While I’m sitting here with flu and obviously feeling not very fresh I can at least remind myself that at least it is not Heroin Withdrawal.