Day 129 - "My few minutes"

Monday, 2 April 2007
Day 129 / 53 (59) - "My few minutes"

I've always seen it as my few minutes. A few minutes to tell my story. I imagine we’re working in a big building. We don’t know exactly on which floor the others are working but we know it is somewhere in the building. Or maybe we know exactly which floor but we’d never find each other among the hundreds of busy cubicles. We have this - these few minutes in the lobby of our building to exchange pleasantries for the day. A few minutes to get to know each other, to get inside each other’s heads. A few words to portray our mood or purpose. My few minutes!

I’ve never been one to blog excessively on one day. Sure, you’ve mostly gotten at least one post from me on a day. I say what I have to say, what I want to say – sometimes what I need to say. I have a few minutes, a few words, phrases, ideas and then its over until we meet each other in the lobby the next morning. Some days our messages don’t come across that easily. Maybe we get days where what we want to say is so difficult to express that we have difficulty finding the words. Which is scary because words are what we describe best with.

Perhaps we only give each other a glance but the crowd sweeps us away to the elevator or perhaps in our hurry we blast past without even noticing the other there. After all we only have a few minutes.

I remember having a diary once. I was going through something difficult in my life, even back then, and my diary was the one that was always ready to listen. I never got any response back, but just to have somebody there to listen was enough. Blogging is like my diary used to be. It’s a lot more open and vulnerable to the opinions and the comments of other real people – which I guess makes it all the more effective!

I’ve been gone for a week. Slightly pulling a disappearing act. Which weirdly enough leaves you with a whole week of stuff to catch up on in the lobby. A whole week of accumulated emotions and stories – all to tell in the few minutes. I wish I could stand here the whole day and forget about everything else. Maybe then I’ll understand – maybe then somebody else will.

I haven’t really told you how it’s going yet. The counter is still counting so it can’t be going that bad – right. Right now, I’ll need more than a few minutes to find out exactly how it’s going. I have to hurry towards the elevator but I’ll be back a bit later with a second post! Maybe I’ll find the answers today!

P.S) I am so glad to be back and catch up on all your lives again. This post continues a bit later this morning.