Day 134 - "Reset and Forget"

Saturday, 7 April 2007
Day 134 / 58 (59) - "Reset and Forget"

Redo. Reset. Clean. Erase. Format. Any of these will work.
Its one of the things I like most about computers. Doesn’t matter what stupid thing you’ve installed on your computer or virus you get from the internet. You know that once you press that button everything will be okay. Sure, some things really get broken and a simple reset might not work, but you kinda know in the back of your mind that in the end you will figure it out.

I’ve pressed my reset button many times, trying to clear the mess I’ve made once again. And on the computer, much like my real life, I tend to install all kinds of weird things testing it out, seeing what will work. Sometimes ignoring the warnings that both windows or my anti-virus program gives me.

The bad thing about cleaning your computer, formatting your hard drive or anything that severe is that unless you have backups of the important stuff you are bound to lose some data. And in computers I sometimes welcome the loss of data. Less time to sort everything out, less space taken up by huge chunks of everything. Less chaos.

I’ve been very fortunate that my life has come with a restart button. I got to start over in a way. Unfortunately life unlike computers doesn’t lose the data. Doesn’t matter how many times you press that button it remembers.

Its raining. A bit more than sporadic droplets darkening the world around me. Darker ground. Darker skies. Darker mood. Alone with your thoughts and your memories, thinking, how you just want to press restart, maybe this time you’ll lose some data and forget!