Day 332/3 – “Feelings”

My Heroin Recovery (Monday, 22 October 2007)
Day 332/3 – “Feelings”

It is Day 3. I woke up this morning and predictably felt like a train ran over me. My parents were amazing in helping me through this, even though they should still be mad. It was my first day back at work today after a weekend in bed. It didn’t go to badly considering how I felt yesterday. I am glad that I was kept busy, keeping my mind off everything that was going on around me.

I am fighting the craving of heroin. Every second my mind gets to gather thoughts it thinks about it. That part is scary because I know that I can’t be watched 24/7 and that means sooner or later a tremendous big decision will lie in my path and I will either be strong or will fail terribly. Right now… I don’t have any guarantees.

I have started posting the entries from this weekend and many people replied with comments and e-mails. I thank you for still following, supporting and giving advice. It is nice to see so many familiar names, faces and identities but I feel ashamed to be writing about the same subject again, a topic we all thought would never feature ever again. But your views have always been a key instrument in me getting better, so please never be hesitant to tell me what you feel.

Right now, what I feel is regret that this started again and that it lasted as long as it did. I feel humiliation at the controls and methods that make me a prisoner of my own actions again. I feel scared to do this and angry that I have to. I am trying to keep strong so I’ll settle for having that today… strength… just for today!


FireHorse said...

Have you considered going to rehab? You have nothing to lose Tristan apart from your life if you continue to use heroin. It can be scary and daunting but it is safe. It will give you time between you and your last shot.

Why don't you post immediately after writing something? Why is everything planned? Just curious.

Take care mate. (I'm glad South Africa beat England)