"Day 14 in Rehab (Part 2)"

Friday, 23 May 2008
Rehab - "Day 14 in Rehab (Part 2)"
Rehab, 14 April 2008 (Part 2)...

I went to bed after I spoke to Darrell and waited until I could get my medicine. My medication stops in 2 days and the thought terrifies me. There won’t be convenient help in a pill form from then. But today, I could still take it and it made me feel a bit better - at least well enough to attend the groups.

The negativity the group experienced the past few days seemed to fade. I also wasn’t the only one having nightmares, throughout the whole clinic one after the other complained about their bad nights. Even though the food still disappeared from the rooms, the DSTV remote and black pool ball all magically appeared again.

I made an appointment with my therapist and told her about the past few days and how bad I experienced them. She helped me to focus on myself a bit and not so much on the people around me. One of the things I had to do was say ‘NO’ to at least one thing per day. This would help me in trying to please so many people. I also have to write her something to address my poor self-esteem but I’ll get to that later on in the week. She said that for now all that mattered was that I didn’t walk out of the gates today!

I hope tomorrow will be better. No… I believe it will be!