"Day 16 in Rehab"

Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Rehab - "Day 16 in Rehab"
Rehab, 16 April 2008…

Some of you might remember the series “Friends” with Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Joey, Foebe and Ross. Joey had a saying that he used whenever he tried to chat up a girl. “How ya doin’?” It worked for him many times simply because he did it with confidence. He could look himself in the mirror and he oozed coolness.

I got an assignment from the therapist on Monday. I had to write a piece highlighting my personal qualities. For that I had to look myself in the mirror and focus on the good qualities and forget about the bad ones. This was one of the more difficult things for me to do because I simply don’t see myself that way. One of the reasons for my drug use was that drugs made me feel better about myself.

After a few days of looking myself in the mirror and saying “How ya doin’?” to my reflection I handed in my assignment today. I wrote the piece asif there was a Christiaan Product next to me and I was trying to sell it to somebody. Here goes…

The newly rehabilitated 2008 Christiaan model has been blessed with a very creative and imaginative mind that not only enjoys but has shown talent in maths, writing and computer especially computer programming.

He has a good general knowledge fed by his curiosity and hunger to learn. He has a friendly and optimistic face that lightens up any cloudy day which he shares with the friends he makes so easily. Friends describe him as helpful, considerate and compassionate and he’d like to pride himself on always demonstrating those abilities.

His big warm heart lets in even those that most others would reject and is matched only by his big eyes which on a good day can pierce you with the blue in its blue-green colour. He has soft firm hands which most would find feminine but a piano player would die for.

He even has a few qualities he finds appealing in others like the glasses he wears and normally a nice firm stomach. Above all he has a brilliant sense of humor and a good sense of right and wrong which helped him in the best and worst of life’s situations.